Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Letter to Advice Column

       To Whom it may concern,

         Hello my name is Grant Wiggins I am sending you this letter because I am in need of your assistance. I have been asked to help a young man named Jefferson.The task is for me to help Jefferson become a man. It's hard for me to accomplish this task because I can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Even thought he did not commit the crime he was there when it happen. During his trial, the prosecutor delineated Jefferson as being a hog, this has really impacted the self-esteem that Jefferson had. When I went to visit him I brought food, he asked me if I had corn, which indeed I did, and he got down on his knees and begin to eat the corn as if he were really a hog. I visit him because I was asked by Miss Emma to educate him before he is executed, but there is no possible way that I can get through to him. Jefferson does not listen to anything that I say, when he was eating the corn from the basket, I tried to make him understand that he was not an animal, but all he would say is, "This how a hog eat."  I want to help Jefferson, but I just can't seem to get through to him. Miss Emma does not want her nephew to die believing that he is less than that of a human. What should I do to help him?
                                          Sincerely, Grant

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